Research & Learning

Inception Health is dedicated to measurably improving health. We study innovation through Inception Labs.

Inception Labs

At Inception Labs, we are committed to transforming health care by:

  • Advancing Research and Innovation: We conduct cutting-edge research to develop and implement innovative solutions that enhance patient care and health outcomes.

  • Deepening Integration with MCW: By strengthening our partnership with the Medical College of Wisconsin, we bridge the gap between academic research and clinical practice, ensuring that our innovations are both practical and impactful.

  • Collaborating with CHDS: Working closely with MCW's Collaborative for Healthcare Delivery Science, we address critical issues in the health care system, striving to improve the value delivered to patients through the intersection of health care operations, improvement methodology, and health services research. :contentReference[oaicite:0]0

  • Engaging with Learners: We actively involve medical students, residents, fellows, and other learners in our projects, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development in health care innovation.

  • Teaching Clinical Informatics: Our team provides comprehensive education in clinical informatics, equipping the next generation of health care professionals with the skills necessary to leverage technology effectively in clinical settings.